SANOSIL disinfectant is composed of Hydrogen Peroxide (H₂O₂) and Silver (Ag+) unique formula. These active ingredients are proven to be safe, organic elements and biodegradable with durable and effective efficacy products for multi beneficial applications.
Thus making SANOSIL a very safe and powerful disinfectant for several uses including hospitals, medical applications, pharmaceutical, food and beverages, water treatment and cooling reservoirs, restaurant, hospitality and facilities management, agriculture, veterinary farms and many more consumers industries.


19th of May 2015

Limited Liability Company (LLC).

Detergents & Disinfectants Manufacturing.





Dubai Investment Park 2, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Today, Sanosil products have a proven records with superiority acknowledgement in more than 40 countries and distributed and supported locally by professional organizations worldwide.

Successful R&D in the disinfection sector demands an innovative and very special commitment, that is further enhanced by a professional and result driven approach. Our leading-edge formula with advanced technology also provides end-users results leading to better quality of life. Coupled with continuous research, this technology supports our drive to achieve world leadership for Sanosil® and the creation of disinfectant solutions which are human and environmentally friendly plus economically progressive results with higher efficacies.

“Sanosil AG is a founding-member of the european Silver Task Force
and notifier for silver nitrate in product groups 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 11.”

Sanosil products are tested by the European EN norms: EN1276, EN1650, EN13624, EN13697, EN13704, EN13727, EN14348, EN14476, EN16615, EN16777. The effectiveness of Sanosil disinfectants against numerous pathogens has been tested and confirmed in more than 300 assays carried out by international institutions.

Sanosil Disinfectants are patented by PCT/CH2009/000234 and EP 2 309 863 81.

Sanosil products are produced by production label TUV Middle East.

A Swiss product, trusted, and recognized by the FDA, WHO, Dubai Municipality and SEHA.