The disinfection method of the future
Aerosol disinfection: Here, disinfectant is automatically blown into the air as a mist using a automatic device. This mist settles on the surfaces and disinfects them. It is the most modern method of surface disinfection. It closes gaps in the effectiveness of manual surface disinfection and is establishing itself as an important instrument in the fight against, among other things, antibiotic-resistant germs.

Sanosil S010

Disinfectant for
aerosol applications
with Q-Jet devices


AFNOR NFT 72-281
tested for advanced Q-Jet
aerosol applications



Aerosol disinfectant — perfect for disinfecting?
Aerosols are tiny liquid droplets which get sprayed into the air, and are primarily used as an aerosol disinfectant spray. Aerosol technology is also used in painting, the application of a range of protective agents and lubricants, as well as in nasal, room and hairsprays. But it is disinfection with a dry fogger and suitable disinfectant which represents a very special technology.

Delve deeper into the topic of surface, air and room disinfection with fogging machines, and discover the numerous advantages and special properties of aerosol disinfection.

What is aerosol disinfection?
This is a modern and practical disinfection method, which supplements the classic spray/wipe disinfection to ensure the air and surfaces in medical, food preparation, and commercial rooms is as germ-free as possible.
Unlike conventional methods, it also disinfects the ambient air.
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How does an aerosol disinfectant work?
The aerosol disinfectant is atomised into tiny droplets using an aerosol disinfectant fogger (e.g. the Sanosil Q-Jet), dragged along by the jet air current and dispersed into the ambient air.

The air current evenly distributes these tiny droplets throughout the entire room. This gives this type of disinfection a significant advantage over the conventional methods of spraying and wiping. With these two, the quantity and distribution of the aerosol disinfectant varies considerably, and not all sources of pathogens can be fully reached this way. Of course, wiping and spraying to disinfect retains its validity even with the availability of aerosol disinfection. The two techniques are actually a perfect match. The second key property of this kind of disinfection is that it seamlessly coats surfaces, even those that are difficult to access. This makes this type of disinfection the ideal addition to conventional disinfection methods.

Where is an aerosol disinfectant particularly useful?
Disinfection with a dry disinfectant fogger is ideal for 3D room disinfection, whereby large spaces require quick and thorough disinfecting. For example, medical facilities such as hospitals and doctors‘ practices, or retirement and nursing homes, the food industry, nurseries, and so forth. The range of available aerosol atomisers and disinfectants varies depending on the application, thus ensuring that every need is met.

Where is aerosol disinfection especially needed?
This kind of disinfection is particularly recommended wherever large areas need to be disinfected quickly. This includes all places frequented by a large number of people each day, and especially places used by people who are ill, the elderly, and infants.

Infants and immunocompromised people are particularly vulnerable to infections. This is why room disinfection in nurseries, care homes and hospitals is so important.

Regular room disinfection is also critical for open-plan offices — especially when air-conditioned — because pathogens can spread rapidly through the air and contact surfaces. A single employee with the flu can easily infect an entire department.

Room disinfection by fogging is particularly suitable, and recommended for, medical, dentists‘ and veterinarians‘ practices as well as the food industry, which all have very high hygiene standards.

Pathogens are especially plentiful in doctors‘ waiting rooms and public waiting areas. For this reason, regular aerosol disinfection should be employed in all waiting rooms to prevent the spread of infections.

What type of fogging technology and machines for room disinfection are available?
Basically, there are two ways in which fogging machines can generate aerosols — compressors and jets. Compressors force the disinfectant through a nozzle, causing it to be dispersed as aerosols. Jets utilise the Venturi effect, causing the disinfectant to be dragged along with the air current and atomised. Both technologies are viable, however jets offer some advantages. Less wear, for instance, simpler execution, a simpler design, higher aerosol ranges, etc. Compressor units, on the other hand, have the advantage that they require a much smaller minimum distance from the nozzle in order to optimally unfold the disinfection mist. This makes aerosol fog generators with compressor interesting in confined spaces such as ambulances. In addition, they are usually significantly quieter than Vortex – Venturi aerosol units.

Aerosol disinfectant foggers from Sansosil are either compressor based or jet-based.

Which disinfectant fogger does Sanosil offer?
The Sanosil Q-Jet series provides three devices for fogging disinfection. The choice is largely determined by the room size and log functions.

In contrast, a cold fogger like the portable Sanosil Stream are hybrid machines. Depending on the configured droplet size, they can act either as sprayers for targeted spray disinfection or as a device for improvised aerosol cold fogging. But theyr main goal is the direct spraying of a fine desinfection mist on surfaces.

Fogging machines: rent them or buy them?
We frequently receive inquiries about rental machines. As a rule, Sanosil AG does not rent out machines. We only sell brand-new fogging machines which have undergone thorough testing.

Can the fogging machines also be used against burglars?
We were actually asked this… And no, of course our aerosol machines are not useful for combating burglars! (Neither can they fetch beer, sing the national anthem or feed the cat)

However, fogging systems designed specifically to combat burglary do exist. They fog up the entire office, shop, etc. within seconds, making orientation impossible. However, our aerosol fogging machines have little in common with those fogging systems.

Which disinfectants are used for aerosol disinfection?
Fogging in closed rooms is carried out to disinfect the ambient air and all surfaces. This means the product must be suitably powerful.
Sanosil S010 / S015 are aerosol disinfectants ideally suited for the disinfection of pre-cleaned surfaces with a cold fogger. They are based on the proven formula of hydrogen peroxide and silver. They pose fewer health hazards and problems than vaporised formaldehyde, are more material-friendly than peracetic acid-hydrogen peroxide systems and, unlike quat products, do not promote pathogen resistance.